Co-Curricular Activities
Aesthetics | Clubs and Societies | Sports | Uniformed Groups
Clubs and Societies
Chinese Chess
Established in 1972, the Hwa Chong Chinese Chess Club has an illustrious and decorated history. Under the guidance of various renowned coaches over the years, Hwa Chong chess players have blossomed and excelled in the game. Our students train twice a week and are constantly reminded to live up to our school values of 自强不息 and 饮水思源.
English Debates
The English Debate Club, while rather intimate in terms of numbers, is made up of individuals that are both passionate in debating and outstanding in the field. Under the care and guidance of our dedicated teachers and experienced coaches, we strive to hone our individual debating style and technique, and we work together to bring pride to the school. Indeed over the years, we have come to be regarded as one of the top schools in the National Schools debating scene.
The Hwa Chong InfoComm club is the premier proving ground for the young minds who will lead tomorrow’s tech landscape. With innovation, creativity, and dedication, we have accomplished much, including having the honour of representing Singapore in prestigious international competitions like the World Robotics Olympiad and RoboCup, and being heavily involved with local software development competitions and IT commissions from the school. Members spend CCA time either working on suitable projects or preparing for competitions.
The club comprises two sections, Robotics and EC3, which trains their members to be the best in the fields of robotics engineering and software development respectively.
Singapore Vex Robotics Competition (2023) - Champion (Selected to represent Singapore at Vex World Competition)
International Chess
The Hwa Chong Institution International Chess Club (HCI iChess) focuses on appreciating the beauty of the art called chess. Hence, we constantly strive to ignite the passion for the game in our members, as well as to groom them into the strongest chess player that they can be. Through the sharing and analysing of unorthodox and magical chess games, students understand the rationale behind every move they play.
Throughout the years we have attended and won prizes at the annual National Schools Individual, National Inter-School Team and National Age Group Championships.
Library Council
Welcome to Hwa Chong Library Council! We have the very important job of being reading ambassadors of HCI, other than maintaining the library. We organise activities for the school such as Library Week, Chinese Impromptu Speech Competition and many more. On top of that, the Library Council creates our very own book displays, and has branched out to social media platforms to promote good reads, book facts and many more. We also work with Jurong Regional Library to help serve the community. The council was instrumental in the recent revamp that the Kong Chian Library embarked on. HCLC is a competitive unit with rich history, constantly finding new ways to reinvent ourselves.
Media Tech
The HcI Media Tech Club dabbles in photography, videography and audio-visual services. We believe in serving the school, helping out behind the scenes during events and making sure everything is up and running smoothly.
We find ways and means to further our craft. In a way, Media Tech is like a storytelling club. Through film and media, we have opportunities to marry ideas and images together. Embedded in every photo and video, is a memory, a certain beauty of life captured.
What we do, is a way of expressing, of connecting, of loving.
We serve, we create, and we love.
Established in 1993, the Hwa Chong Weiqi Club holds a tradition of excellence, taking pride in being one of the best school Weiqi clubs for the past two decades. Filled with a team driven by passion for the club, the Hwa Chong Weiqi club boasts a prestigious list of achievements, including over twenty-five years of consecutive wins in the Qiu Ping Cup. During the pandemic, members of Hwa Chong Weiqi Club embarked on online training to improve their skills.
Youth Flying Club
The Hwa Chong youth flying club is a unique CCA aimed at promoting aviation amongst Singapore youths. The CCA allows students the chance to learn about flight simulators, glider building and drone flying. The CCA partners with the Singapore Youth Flying Club to bring students on joyrides on RSAF aircraft, and teaches students the basic theory of flight. Through the CCA, students will pick up the values of collaboration, confidence, perseverance, and will learn that there is never a detail too small.
Singapore Amazing Flying Machine Competition
Gliders (2023) - 2nd
FPV Drone Racing (2023) - 2nd / 3rd